This week we have been finishing the measurements block for the third grade, and autumn finally has settled in after a fortnight gift of Indian Summer weather.
As we gather inwardly again, we sing a song which has come up after this poem.
Inch by inch,
row by row,
Someone bless these seeds I sow
Someone keep them safe below,
'Til the rain comes tumbling down
fa fa re mi bemol, mi bemol, do
fa fa re re mi bemol, mi bemol do do
fa fa re re mi bemol, mi bemol, do do
si bemol, re fa fa fa re re re.)
It goes well for the
kindergarten and first grade to acompany with their fingers as if it were raining, clapping the rhythm firts with the index finger, then with two fingers, then with three, four, five and then coming down again...ending the song with just the finger index clapping.
third grade steps into singing one part for the first time, she keeps repeating the first verses
Inch by inch, Row by row, for the whole song, while the others sing the remainding verses. As the song goes along it makes the impression that different weavers are working at the same time, yet the goal is unified and that little by little, "inch by inch", the path is trodden, if the work and reverence are kept alive within us.
It is also a good picture for the gardening project, planting garlic this week and putting the garden to sleep for the winter, as we wait for the rain of spring to come again and wake nature upwardly. The garlic also is ingested more often during this season, an attempt to purify the blood and strentghen the body for the battle.
Finally the verses for this week from "
In the Light of the Child" also remind us of the help in our way.
Refreshed, renewed, replenished I am standing
Within this world of golden autumn light.
A wondrous, mighty sword the gods are handing
To those whose souls with fire of love burn bright.
This flashing sword like sunrays streaming, searing,
In darkness shines and makes me firm and sure.
No dragon on my path need I be fearing;
I'm armed with light-God-given, sun-forged, pure!